03 September 2020 : We’re On The Rise

Hi All

We are delighted to let you know that we are finally able to start getting back on the court!  Thanks so much for all of your patience whilst we have been confirming locations and working through Covid-19 regulations.

Our Road To Return

 Group Start Date
 U11 Tuesday 8th September 
 U12Wednesday 16th September
 U13 Thursday 17th September
 U14 Thursday 17th September
 U16 tbc (late September)
 U16 Elite Tuesday 8th September
 Seniors Wednesday 16th September

Costs and Payment

You will need to pay for the first half term of seven sessions in one go, plus an Old Chelts annual membership fee of £5 per child.  Thatwill be subject to any sibling discount of 30%, which will be applied against the younger sibling’s (i.e. the lower / cheaper) fee.

Payment will need to be made by bank transfer to “Old Chelts Netball Club” (Sort Code 60-05-16, Account Number 07745397).  Please state yours or your child’s name and the group as your payment reference.

We will only be asking for payment per half term as we feel this is a sensible approach given the uncertainty that Covid-19 brings.

Memberships and Registrations

It is important that all players are members of England Netball.  A link to the England Netball registration process is here.

You will also need to complete an Old Chelts registration form.  Registration forms are particularly important as they will give us up to date information which we will require for Covid-19 track and trace purposes.  The registration form, together with this season’s members’ pack, can be found at https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Foldchelts.co.uk%2Fresources.asp&data=02%7C01%7C%7C6644698efaf0416c07b408d84fd5a8d0%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637347126356090660&sdata=HmWF2vfyJZ0k0QdbG7GzFRscWY4SQ80oM%2F9ugajxJm0%3D&reserved=0.  


Please don’t forget that the girls will need water, hair should be tied up, nails kept short, and no jewellery to be worn.

Finally, we would like to reassure you all that we have a Covid-19 officer assigned to ensure we are working within England Netball’s Covid-19 regulations, and with those imposed by our venues.  There will be thorough cleaning of balls and equipment between each session.  Things may be a little awkward to start with as we find our feet and we may need to tweak our processes as we go; please bear with us!  We would of course ask you not to send your child to training if they have any Covid-19 symptoms.


Old Chelts Committee