Keeping our Children Safe
At Old Chelts Netball Club, we are committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for adults, children and young people to participate in Netball and recognise our responsibility to promote a safe environment for any concerns to be reported without fear of reprisal. We are committed to ensuring the maximum enjoyment of Netball to all players, coaches, volunteers and other stakeholders.
As a club, we follow the England Netball Safeguarding guidelines.
Please get in touch if you have a question or a concern.
Old Chelts Safeguarding Officer isĀ Emily Wilton.
Contact her on
We would love to increase the number of Officers within the club and would welcome anyone interested in supporting this vital role to contact the committee on
Don’t forget:
If you feel in any immediate danger, get away from the situation quickly, go to a public place to find help or call the police (999).
The NSPCC operates a 24 hour free phone helpline telephone number: 0808 800 5000.
There is a free 24 hour confidential helpline you can call for help, called Childline. You can call them for free on 0800 1111. Keep trying if you don’t get through straight away.